Gratitude is what draws us closer to God whenever we feel inadequate or underachieved. Often times when we read about other people's achievements or success story, we often compare with ourselves. When we weigh the results or the followership other people or brands are pulling in comparison with ours, we get that feeling of inadequacy or an underachiever feeling which may be compounded by many other negative feeling that accompanies such thoughts process. When we dwell so much on this, it blinds us from seeing what God has done for us; in us and through us. In my opinion, I feel like unhealthy comparison is a demon we all have to deal with especially in this age. The major weapon of fighting this is Gratitude. picture credit: It is so refreshing to sit back and reflect on the goodness of God. Naturally, your mind begin to pour over all the little miracles you might have skipped if you had dwelled on unhealthy comparison.